Universities in Bavaria: High Educational Standards and Diverse Options

In recent decades, Bavaria has developed into a first-rate international venue for science and research. Bavaria's universities have been and continue to be a major source of innovation and progress. Especially in the last couple of years, there has been a lot of development. Bavarian universities are currently undergoing a dynamic process of modernization and internationalization.
The Bavarian university landscape is productive, diverse and differentiated. Numerous universities and universities of applied sciences, universities of arts as well as several church-run and private universities offer a wide range of educational opportunities.
While the universities of applied sciences train students for a career in business or in technological and social fields, universities have their focus on academic education.
Furthermore, The Virtual University of Bavaria (Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern) offers complimentary study programs, which are available to students of both university types.
The universities of arts offer an excellent artistic education by preparing their students for a profession in the field of arts and assisting them in developing artistically.
Important information for enrolled and prospective students:
You will find all necessary information for studying in Bavaria (entry requirements, dates and deadlines, enrolment, financing etc.) at www.studieren-in-bayern.de (website in German). Comprehensive information, specifically for international applicants is available in English and German at www.study-in-bavaria.de.
Information regarding extra-occupational and part-time degree programs as well as other study opportunities for working professionals and people interested in continuing their education can be found at www.weiter-studieren-in-bayern.de (continuing education in Bavaria, website in German).