Other Museums and Similar Institutions in Bavaria

Besides the state-owned museums and collections including branch museums and galleries, there are a number of additional museums and similar institutions, which are partly administered by the state. Especially noteworthy are the following:
- Deutsches Museum - German Museum, Munich
- Germanisches Nationalmuseum - Germanic National Museum, Nuremberg
- Haus der Kunst - House of Art, Munich
- Kunstsammlungen Coburg - Coburg Art Collections (website in German)
- Landesstelle für die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern - Office for Non-State Museums in Bavaria (website in German)
- Museumsportal München - Portal of Museums in Munich
- Buchheim Museum der Phantasie - Buchheim Museum of Imagination, Bernried
- Georg Schäfer Museum, Schweinfurt
- MPZ: Museumspädagogisches Zentrum - Centre for Museum Education in Munich (website in German)
- Naturkunde-Museum Bamberg - Bamberg Museum of Natural Sciences (website in German)
- Rieskrater-Museum Nördlingen (website in German)
- Schlösser in Bayern - Palaces in Bavaria
- Walhalla - Hall of Fame, Donaustauf
- Ruhmeshalle - Hall of Fame, Munich (website in German)